
Specifications Interfa




Interface : RS-485, 2 wires

Speed (bps) : 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 115.2K


Analog Input


LED indication : LED 4 1/2 digit for displaying analog input voltage


Input channels : 1 single-ended channel

Isolation : Photo-isolation 3,750Vrms


Resolution : 16-bit


Input range : +/- 150mV, +/- 500mV, +/- 1V, +/- 5V, +/- 10V and +/- 20mA


Sample rate : 10 samples/sec

Span drift : 25ppm/C


Bandwidth : 4.0Hz

Accuracy : 0.05% or better


Zero drift : 5uV/C

CMRR : 150 DB min. @50/60Hz


.Over voltage protection : +/- 10V


Digital Input


Input channel : 1

logical level 1 : 3.5V to 30V


logical level 0 : 0 to 1.0V

.Bandwidth : 50Hz max


Pulsewidth : 0.5ms  max


Digital Output


Input channel : 2

Max loading : 30V @30mA load max


Output type : Open collector output




Power consumption : 2.1W

Power requirement : 10Vdc ~ 30Vdc
