
Features USB 1.1 Comp




USB 1.1 Compliant

RS-232 RTS & CTS signals support


Auto data flow direction detection on RS485

Minimum 3000Vdc isolation protection


Full-duplex RS-232/RS-422 support

Transient suppression on RS-485 data lines


Automatically switch USB signal to RS-232/RS-422 or RS-485(jumperless)


Auto baud rate detection up to 115.2Kbps

Driver support for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, Linux


Reserved space for termination resistors

Power requirement : USB bus power


Power and activity indicator for troubleshooting

Mounts easily on DIN-rail or panel



USB Controller : USB 1.1

USB interface connector : USB type B


Isolation Side : RS-232/422/485


Converted signals : RS-232/RS-422 or RS-485 Auto switching(jumperless)


Handshake : RS-232 RTS & CTS

Data activity  : LED indicator


Auto Baud rate(bps) : 300 ~115.2K BPS

Isolation voltage : 3000Vdc


RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 connector : plug-in screw terminal


Accessories(Supplied) : NYLON DIN-rail Mounting Adapter SECC Panel Mounting Bracket


Plug-in screw terminal wiring : Accepts AWG 1-#12 to #22 (0.5 to 2.5 mm) wires


Power requirement : USB bus power

Case : ABS with captive mounting hardware


Power consumption : 0.65W
